-Name and first name, telephone number or e-mail address and postal address (it is sufficient to provide one of these data) and the period of stay.
We process your personal data exclusively in accordance with the legal requirements of the GDPR, the BDSG, as well as the relevant area-specific laws (such as the "Lower Saxony Ordinance on Infection Protection Measures against the Spread of the Corona Virus"). We therefore process your data on the basis of a legal obligation.
Data processing to fulfill a legal obligation:
We process the personal data that you have given us in the "Corona contact sheet" (first / last name, address (street, house number, postcode, city), telephone number) on the basis of a legal obligation. In addition, we are legally obliged to transmit this personal data to the responsible health department on request.
The legal basis for the processing is therefore Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 Letter c GDPR i. V. m. § 24 Paragraph 2 and § 4 of the Lower Saxony Ordinance on Infection Protection Measures against the Spread of the Corona Virus.
The purpose of data processing is to contain the pandemic with a view to tracking chains of infection and contact persons.